Mitigating Radon Depends on the Source of the Radon
There are several methods of radon mitigation and types of radon mitigation systems ranging from active soil depressurization, passive radon mitigation systems, to waterborne radon mitigation systems. All radon mitigation systems have one goal: reduce or eliminate radon gas exposure inside your home or in your drinking water. Every situation is assessed by a certified technician who will recommend the best approach to address your radon threat. Rest assured, most radon mitigation system installations are comparable to a typical home repair.
The cost of a radon mitigation system depends on the severity of the radon gas levels or radon in water levels and what is needed to properly mitigate the gas.
Protect the ones you love from radon. Have your home tested and contact SWAT Environmental should a radon threat exist in your home.
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Radon Mitigation System Installation
SWAT Environmental installs warrantied radon mitigation systems throughout the United States. Click on a state below to get in touch with a radon mitigation specialist near you:
new Hampshire
new York
north carolina
north dakota
rhode island
south carolina
south dakota
washington d.c.
west virginia
Standard Sub-Slab Depressurization Installation
Standard Sub-Slab Depressurization Installation: Sub-slab depressurization radon mitigation systems are installed in homes or businesses with slab flooring.
Learn how sub-slab depressurization systems function to reduce radon gas in your home or workplace

Interior Sub-Slab Depressurization Installation
Interior Sub-Slab Depressurization Installation: Interior sub-slab depressurization radon mitigation systems create a negative pressure under the home. Learn how interior sub-slab depressurization systems function to reduce radon gas from your home or establishment.

Exterior Sub-Slab Depressurization Installation
Exterior Sub-Slab Depressurization Installation: Exterior sub-slab depressurization radon mitigation systems are installed outside the home or business and are one of the most widely used methods for removing radon gas. Learn how exterior sub-slab depressurization systems reduce radon gas.

Crawlspace Membrane Depressurization Installation
Crawlspace Membrane Depressurization Installations: Crawlspace depressurization radon mitigation systems work by sealing off the crawlspace in your home or building. Learn how crawlspace depressurization reduces radon gas in your home or establishment.

Second Tap Attic Sub-Slab Radon System Installation
Second Tap Attic Sub-Slab Radon System Installation: A second tap sub-slab attic radon mitigation system is installed in homes or businesses with slab flooring. The sub-slab depressurization with a second tap reduces radon gas in your home or establishment.

Second Tap Sub-Slab Radon System Installation
Second Tap Sub-Slab Radon System Installation: A second tap sub-slab radon mitigation system is used in homes or businesses with slab flooring where a single tap or collection point is not adequate enough to bring radon levels down to a safe level. A sub-slab depressurization with a second tap drives down radon levels in your home or workplace, making the air safer for all.

Garage Attic Radon System Installation
Garage Attic Sub-Slab Radon Mitigation System: A garage attic radon mitigation system is used with slab flooring and involves running piping from the sub-slab radon collection point to the fan in the attic of the garage. The sub-slab depressurization method paired with the right exit point in your garage attic will promote the reduction of radon levels, keeping your friends and family safe from radon exposure.

Second Tap Garage Attic Radon System Installation
Second Tap Garage Attic Radon Mitigation System: A second tap garage attic radon mitigation system works by creating a negative pressure under the home where the radon collection points have been established. Learn how a sub-slab depressurization with a second tap mitigation system functions to reduce radon gas.

Passive Radon System Activation
Passive Radon System Activation: A passive radon mitigation system activation is for homes or businesses with existing passive systems. Learn how the passive radon gas mitigation system functions.

Passive Radon System Activation with Second Tap
Passive Radon System Activation With Second Tap: A passive system activation with a second tap is installed in homes or businesses where the radon level has increased over time and the current passive system can’t handle the current radon level. Learn how a passive system with a second tap already installed can function to once again reach safe levels of radon in your home or workplace.

Looking for additional resources or testing kits?
We want to provide you with as much information as possible regarding the effects of radon and radon gas. Consider these additional resources as you learn how to protect you, your family and friends from radon gas exposure.
Check out some of our additional radon resources.